Orca - Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Aguilar, A., Grau, E. (1998). Orca Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758). En: Blanco, J. C. Mamíferos de España, Vol. II. Ed. Geoplaneta, Barcelona.

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Baird, R. W. (1994). Foraging behaviour and ecology of transient killer whales (Orcinus orca). B. Sc. Thesis. Simon Fraser University.

Baird, R. W., Dill, L. M. (1995). Occurrence and behaviour of transient killer whales: seasonal and pod-specific variability, foraging behaviour, and prey handling. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 73: 1300-1311.

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Craighead, J., Philo, L. M., Hazard, K., Withrow, D., Carroll, G. M., Suydam, R. (1994). Frequency of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) attacks and ship collisions based on scarring on Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas stock. Artic, 47 (3): 247-255.

Dahlheim, M. E. (1988). Killer whale (Orcinus orca) depredation on longline catches of sablefish (Anoplopoma frimbria) in Alaskan waters. Northwest and Alaska Fisheries center. National Marine Fisheries Service.

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de la Serna, J. M., Ortiz de Urbina, J. M., Godoy, M. D., Majuelos, E. (2010). Interacción de la orca (Orcinus orca), con las pesquerías de atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus L.) en el área del estrecho de Gibraltar. International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, 65: 744-754.

de Stephanis, R., Cornulier, T., Verborgh, P., Salazar Sierra, J. M., Pérez Gimeno, N., Guinet, C. (2008). Summer spatial distribution of cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar in relation to the oceanographic context. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 353: 275-288.  

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Esteban, R., Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Giménez, J., Afán, I., Cañadas, A., García, P., Murcia, J. L., Magalhaes, S., Andreu, E., de Stephanis, R. (2014). Identifying key habitat and seasonal patterns of a critically endangered population of killer whales. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 94 (6): 1317-1325.

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Ford, J. K. B., Ellis, G. M., Barrett-Lennard, L. G., Morton, A. B., Palm, R. S., Balcomb, K. C. (1998). Dietary specialization in two sympatric populations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in coastal British Columbia and adjacent waters. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76: 1456-1471.

Gaydos, J. K., Balcomb, K. C., Osborne, R. W., Dierauf, L. (2004). Evaluating potential infectious disease threats for southern resident killer whales, Orcinus orca: a model for endangered species. Biological Conservation, 117: 253-262.

Guinet, C., Barrett-Lennard, L. G., Loyer, B. (2000). Coordinated attack behavior and prey sharing by killer whales at Crozet Archipielago: strategies for feeding on negatively-buoyant prey. Marine Mammal Science, 16(4): 829-834.

Guinet, C., Domenici, P., de Stephanis R., Barrett-Lennard, L.,Ford, J. K. B., Verborgh, P. (2007). Killer whale predation on bluefin tuna: exploring the hypothesis of the endurance-exhaustion technique. Context Sensitive LinksMarine Ecology-Progress Series, 347: 111-119.

Heise, K., Barrett-Lennard, L. G., Sautilis, E., Matkin, C., Bain, D. (2003). Examining the evidence for killer whale predation on Steller sea lions in British Columbia and Alaska. Aquatic Mammals, 29 (3): 325-334.

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Matkin, C. O., Barrett-Lennard, L. G., Yurk, H., Ellifrit, D., Trites, A. W. (2007). Ecotypic variation and predatory behaviour among killer whales (Orcinus orca) off the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Fisheries Bulletin, 105: 74-87.

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Matkin, C. O., Saulitis, E. L., Ellis, G. M., Olesiuk, R., Rice, S. D. (2008). Ongoing population-level impacts on killer whales Orcinus orca following the “Exxon Valdez” oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 356: 269-281.

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Miller, P. J. O., Shapiro, A. D., Deecke, V. B. (2010). The diving behaviour of mammal-eating killer whales  (Orcinus orca):variations with ecological not physiological factors. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 88 (11): 1103-1112.

Morin, P. A., Archer, F., Foote, A. D., Vilstrup, J., Allen, E. E., Wade, P., Durban, J., Parsons, K., Pitman, R., Li, L., Bouffard, P., Nielsen, S. C. A., Rasmussen, M., Willerslev, E., Gilbert, M. T. P., Harkins, T.  (2010). Complete mitochondrial genome phylogeographic analysis of killer whales (Orcinus orca) indicates multiple species. Genome Research, 20 (7): 908-916.

Morin, P. A., Parsons, K. M., Archer, F. I., Ávila-Arcos, M. C., Barrett-Lennard, L. G., Dalla Rosa, L., Duchene, S., Durban, J. W., Ellis, G. M., Ferguson, S. H., Ford, J. K., Ford, M. J., Garilao, C., Gilbert, M. T. P., Kaschner, K., Matkin, C. O., Petersen, S. D., Robertson, K. M., Visser, I. N., Wade, P. R., Ho, S. Y. W., Foote, A. D. (2015). Geographic and temporal dynamics of a global radiation and diversification in the killer whale. Molecular Ecology, 24 (15): 3964-3979.

Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. (1987). Killer whale, Orcinus orca, in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Mammal Science, 3 (4): 356-360.
Olesiuk, P. F., Bigg, M. A., Ellis, G. M. (1990). Life history and population dynamics of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State. Report of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 12: 209-243.

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Rayne, S., Ikonomou, M. G., Ross, P. S., Ellis, G. M., Barrett-Lennard, L. G. (2004). PBDEs, PBBs, and PCNs in three communities of free-ranging killer whales (Orcinus orca) from the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Environmental Science and Technology, 38: 4293-4299.

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Ross, P. S., Ellis, G. M., Ikonomou, M. G., Barrett-Lennard, L. G., Addison, R. F. (2000). High PCB concentrations in free-ranging Pacific killer whales, Orcinus orca: effects of age, sex and dietary preference. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 40 (6): 504-515.

Samarra, F. I. P., Tavares, S. B., Beesau, J., Deecke, V. B., Fennell, A., Miller, P. J. O., Petursson, H., Sigurjonsson, J., Vikingsson, G. A. (2017). Movements and site fidelity of killer whales (Orcinus orca) relative to seasonal and long-term shifts in herring (Clupea harengus) distribution. Marine Biology, 164 (8): 159.

Shelden, K. E., Rugh, D. J., Mahoney, B. A., Dahlheim, M. E. (2003). Killer whale predation on belugas in Cook Inlet, Alaska: implications for a depleted population. Marine Mammal Science, 19 (3): 529-544.

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Visser, I. N., Smith, T. G., Bullock, I. D., Green, G. D., Carlsson, O. G. L., Imberti, S. (2008). Antarctic peninsula killer whales (Orcinus orca) hunt seals and a penguin on floating ice. Marine Mammal Science, 24 (1): 225-234.

Ward, E. J., Holmes, E. E., Balcomb, K. C. (2009). Quantifying the effects of prey abundance on killer whale reproduction. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46: 632-640.

Williams, R., Lusseau, D., Hammond, P. S. (2006). Estimating relative energetic costs of human disturbance to killer whales (Orcinus orca). Biological Conservation, 133: 301-311.

Yurk, H., Barrett-Lennard, L. G., Ford, J. K. B., Matkin, C. O. (2002). Cultural transmission within maternal lineages: vocal clans in resident killer whales in southern Alaska. Animal Behaviour, 63: 1103-1119.

Zerbini, A. N., Waite, J. M., Durban, J. W., LeDuc, R., Dahlheim, M. E., Wade, P. R. (2007). Estimating abundance of killer whales in the nearshore waters of the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands using line-transect sampling. Marine Biology, 150: 1033-1045.




Alberto Suárez-Esteban
Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC)
Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n, 41092 Sevilla

Ismael Miján Vilasánchez
Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural, Apdo. 356 Ferrol, A Coruña

Fecha de publicación: 20-06-2011

Revisiones: 25-09-2017

Suárez-Esteban, A., Miján, I. (2017). Orca – Orcinus orca. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Sanz, J. J., Barja, I. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/