Foca monje - Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779)

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Adamantopoulou, S., Androukaki, E., Dendrinos, P., Kotomatas, S., Paravas, V., Psaradellis, M., Tounta, E., Karamanlidis, A. A. (2011). Movements of Mediterranean Monk Seals (Monachus monachus) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Mammals, 37 (3): 256-261.

Aguilar, A., Cappozzo, L. H., Gazo, M., Pastor, T., Forcada, J., Grau, E. (2007). Lactation and mother-pup behaviour in the Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus: an unusual pattern for a Phocid. Journal of Marine Biology Association of the United Kingdom 87 (1): 93-99.

Aguilar, A., Lowry, L. (2013). Monachus monachus. En: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. <>.

Alfaghi, I.A., Abed, A.S., Dendrinos, P., Psaradellis, M., Karamanlidis, A.A. (2013). First Confirmed Sighting of the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in Libya Since 1972. Aquatic Mammals, 39 (1): 81-84.

Armstrong, R., Nevin, O. T. (2005). Mediterranean monk seal off Ginak Island, The Gambia: a new sighting at the southern fringe of the known range. Monachus Guardian, 8 (2): 1-2.

Badosa, E., Grau, E., Aparicio, F., Layna, J. F., Cedenilla, M. A. (1998). Individual variation and sexual dimorphism of coloration in Mediterranean monk seal pups (Monachus monachus). Marine Mammal Science, 14 (2): 390-393.

Badosa, E., Pastor, T., Gazo, M., Aguilar, A. (2006). Moult in the Mediterranean monk seal from Cap Blanc, Western Sahara. African Zoology, 41 (2): 183-192.

Bareham, J. R., Furreddu, A. S. J. (1975). Observations on the use of grottos by Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus). Journal of Zoology, 175 (2): 291-298.  

Borrell, A., Aguilar, A., Grau, E., González, L. M., San Félix, M., López-Jurado, L. F., Hernández, M. (1993). Preliminary data on organochlorine pollutants in Mediterranean monk seals. European Research on Cetaceans, 7: 203-206. 

Borrell, A., Aguilar, A., Pastor, T. (1997). Organochlorine pollutant levels in Mediterranean monk seals from the western Mediterranean and the Sahara coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 34 (7): 505-510.

Cabrera, A. (1932). Los Mamíferos de Marruecos. Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, serie Zoológica, 57.

Cebrián, D. (1998). La foca monje (Monachus monachus Hermann 1779) en el mediterráneo oriental (Grecia y Croacia). Tesis doctoral. Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

Cebrian, D., Fatsea, H., Mytilineou, C. (1990). Some data on biometry and stomach content of a Mediterranean monk seal found in Santorini Island (Greece). Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Reunions. Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerrannée, 32: 237.

Cebrián Menchero, D., Georgakopoulos-Gregoriades, E., Kalogeropoulos, N., Psyllidou-Giouranovits, R. (1994). Organochlorine levels in a Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28 (3): 181-183.

Charrier, I., Marchesseau, S., Dendrinos, P., Tounta, E., Karamanlidis, A. A. (2017). Individual signatures in the vocal repertoire of the endangered Mediterranean monk seal: new perspectives for population monitoring. Endangered Species Research, 32: 459-470.

Costa Neves, H. (1998). Preliminary findings on the feeding behaviour and general ecology strategy of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus (Pinnipedia: Monachinae) on the Desertas Islands. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, 5 (Suplemento A): 263-271.

De Juana, E., Varela, J. M., Witt, H. H. (1981). The Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus, in the Chafarinas Islands (Melilla). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M., 1981 (2): 1-4.

De Maddalena, A., Zuffa, M. (2008). Historical and contemporary presence of the great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758), along the Mediterranean coast of France. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia, 59: 81-94. 

Dendrinos, P. (2011). Contribution to the study of the Mediterranean monk seal’s (Monachus monachus) ecology and biology at the island complex of Northern Sporades, Greece. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Dendrinos, P., Karamanlidis, A. A., Androukaki, E., McConnell, B. J. (2007). Diving development and behavior of a rehabilitated Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Marine Mammal Science, 23 (2): 387-397.

Dendrinos, P., Karamanlidis, A., Kotomatas, S., Legakis, A., Tounta, E., Matthiopoulos, J. (2007). Pupping habitat use in the Mediterranean monk seal: a long-term study. Marine Mammal Science, 23 (3): 615-628.

Dendrinos, P., Karamanlidis, A. A., Kotomatas, S., Paravas, V., Adamantopoulou, S. (2008). Report of a new Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) breeding colony in the Aegean Sea, Greece. Aquatic Mammals, 34 (3): 355-361. 

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Forcada, J. (2000). Can population surveys show if the Mediterranean monk seal colony at Cap Blanc is declining in abundance? Journal of Applied Ecology, 37 (1): 171-181.

Forcada, J., Hammond, P. S., Aguilar, A. (1999). Status of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in the western Sahara and the implications of a mass mortality event. Marine Ecology Progress, 188: 249-261.

Formigaro, C., Karamanlidis, A. A., Dendrinos, P., Marsili, L., Silvi, M., Zaccaroni, A. (2017). Trace element concentrations in the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 576: 528-537.

Gazo, M. (1996). Diving activity of lactating and recently weaned pups of Mediterranean Monk seals on the Cabo BlancoPeninsula. European Research on Cetaceans, 10: 316-320.

Gazo, M., Aguilar, A. (2005). Maternal attendance and diving behavior of a lactating Mediterranean monk seal. Marine Mammal Science, 21 (2): 340-345. 

Gazo, M., Aparicio, F., Cedenilla, M. A., Layna, J. F., González, L. M. (2000). Pup survival in the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) colony at Cabo Blanco Peninsula (Western Sahara-Mauritania). Marine Mammal Science, 16 (1): 158-168.

Gazo, M., González, L. M., Grau, E. (2000). Age at first parturition in a Mediterranean monk seal monitored long-term. Marine Mammal Science, 16 (1): 257-260.

Gazo, M., Layna, J. F., Aparicio, F., Cedenilla, M. A., González, L. M., Aguilar, A. (1999). Pupping season, perinatal sex ratio and natality rates of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) from the Cabo Blanco colony. Journal of Zoology, 249 (4): 393-401.

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Glain, D., Kotomatas, S., Adamantopoulou, S. (2001). Fishermen and seal conservation: Survey of attitudes towards monk seals in Greece and grey seals in Cornwall. Mammalia, 65 (3): 309-317.

Gomercic, T., Huber, D., Gomercic, M. D., Gomercic, H. (2011). Presence of the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in the Croatian Part of the Adriatic Sea. Aquatic Mammals, 37 (3): 243-247.

González, L. M. (1999). Foca monje del Mediterráneo Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779). Galemys, 11 (1): 1-14.

González, L. M. (2006). El plan de acción para la recuperación de la foca monje del Mediterráneo en el Atlántico oriental. Naturaleza y Parques Nacionales. Serie Especies Amenazadas. Servicio de Publicaciones del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid.

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González, L. M. (2015). Prehistoric and historic distributions of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in the eastern Atlantic. Marine Mammal Science, 31 (3): 1168-1192.

González, L. M., Cedenilla, M. A., de Larrinoa, P. F., Layna, J. F., Aparicio, F. (2002). Changes in the breeding variables of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) colony of Cabo Blanco Peninsula after a mass mortality episode. Mammalia, 66 (2): 173-182.

González, L. M., Fernández de Larrinoa, P. (2013). Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus distribution and fisheries interactions in the Atlantic Sahara during the second half of the 20th Century. Mammalia, 77 (1): 41-49.

Guclusoy, H. (2008). Damage by monk seals to gear of the artisanal fishery in the Foca Monk Seal Pilot Conservation Area, Turkey. Fisheries Research, 90 (1-3): 70-77.

Guclusoy, H., Savas, Y. (2003). Interaction between monk seals Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) and marine fish farms in the Turkish Aegean and management of the problem. Aquaculture Research, 34 (9): 777-783.

Gucu, A. C., Gucu, G., Orek, H. (2004). Habitat use and preliminary demographic evaluation of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in the Cilician Basin (Eastern Mediterranean). Biological Conservation, 116 (3): 417-431.

Hale, R., Pires, R., Santos, P., Karamanlidis, A. A. (2011). Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus): Fishery Interactions in the Archipelago of Madeira. Aquatic Mammals, 37 (3): 298-304.

Hazevoet, C. J., Wenzel, F. W. (1997). A record of a Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus from the Cape Verde Islands. Lutra, 40 (1): 21-22. 

Hernández, M., Robinson, I., Aguilar, A., González, L. M., López-Jurado, L. F., Reyero, M. I., Cacho, E., Franco, J., López-Rodas, V., Costas, E. (1998). Did algal toxins cause monk seal mortality? Nature, 393 (6680): 28-29.

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Isräels, I. D. E. (1992). Thirty years of Mediterraean monk seal protection: a review. Nederlandsche Commissie voor Internationale Natuurbescherming Mededeelingen, 28: 1-65.

Johnson, W. M., Karamanlidis, A. A., Dendrinos, P., Fernández de Larrinoa, P., Gazo, M., Mariano González, L., Güçlüsoy, H., Pires, R., Schnellmann, M. (2006). Monk Seal Fact Files. Biology, Behaviour, Status and Conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus. The Monachus Guardian,

Johnson, W. M., Lavigne, D. M. (1999). Monk seals in antiquity. The Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in ancient history and literature. Nederlandsche Commissie voor Internationale Natuurbescherming Mededeelingen, 35: 1–101.

Karamanlidis, A. A., Androukaki, E., Adamantopoulou, S., Chatzispyrou, A., Johnson, W. M., Kotomatas, S., Papadopoulos, A., Paravas, V., Paximadis, G., Pires, R., Tounta, E., Dendrinos, P. (2008). Assessing accidental entanglement as a threat to the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus. Endangered Species Research, 5 (2-3): 205-213.

Karamanlidis, A. A., Curtis, P. J., Hirons, A. C., Psaradellis, M., Dendrinos, P., Hopkins, J. B. (2014). Stable isotopes confirm a coastal diet for critically endangered Mediterranean monk seals. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 50 (3): 332-342.

Karamanlidis, A., Dendrinos, P. (2015). Monachus monachus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T13653A45227543.

Karamanlidis, A. A., Dendrinos, P., De Larrinoa, P. F., Gucu, A. C., Johnson, W. M., Kirac, C. O., Pires, R. (2016). The Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus: status, biology, threats, and conservation priorities. Mammal Review, 46 (2): 92-105.

Karamanlidis, A. A., Gaughran, S., Aguilar, A., Dendrinos, P., Huber, D., Pires, R., Schultz, J., Skrbinsek, T., Amato, G. (2016). Shaping species conservation strategies using mtDNA analysis: The case of the elusive Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Biological Conservation, 193: 71-79.

Karamanlidis, A. A., Kallianiotis, A., Psaradellis, M., Adamantopoulou, S. (2011). Stomach Contents of a Subadult Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) from the Aegean Sea. Aquatic Mammals, 37 (3): 280-283.

Karamanlidis, A. A., Lyamin, O., Adamantopoulou, S., Dendrinos, P. (2017). First Observations of Aquatic Sleep in the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus). Aquatic Mammals, 43 (1): 82-86. 

Karamanlidis, A. A., Paravas, V., Trillmich, F., Dendrinos, P. (2010). First Observations of Parturition and Postpartum Behavior in the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Aquatic Mammals, 36 (1): 27-32.

Karamanlidis, A. A., Pires, R., Silva, N. C., Costa Neves, H. (2004). The availability of resting and pupping habitat for the Critically Endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in the archipelago of Madeira. Oryx, 38 (2): 180-185.  

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Martínez-Jáuregui, M., Tavecchia, G., Cedenilla, M. A., Coulson, T., Fernández de Larrinoa, P., Muñoz, M., González, L. M. (2012). Population resilience of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus at Cabo Blanco peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 461: 273-281.

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Muñoz, G., Karamanlidis, A. A., Dendrinos, P., Thomas, J. A. (2011). Aerial Vocalizations by Wild and Rehabilitating Mediterranean Monk Seals (Monachus monachus) in Greece. Aquatic Mammals, 37 (3): 262-279.

Murphy, S., Spradlin, T. R., Mackey, B., McVee, J., Androukaki, E., Tounta, E., Karamanlidis, A. A., Dendrinos, P., Joseph, E., Lockyer, C., Matthiopoulos, J. (2012). Age estimation, growth and age-related mortality of Mediterranean monk seals Monachus monachus. Endangered Species Research, 16 (2): 149-163.

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Alfredo Salvador
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)

Fecha de publicación: 29-11-2013

Revisiones: 14-07-2017

Salvador, A. (2017). Foca monje – Monachus monachus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Barja, I. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.