Arrui - Ammotragus lervia (Pallas, 1777)

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Abaigar, T., Domene, M. A., Cassinello, J. (2012). Characterization of the estrous cycle and reproductive traits of the aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) in captivity. Theriogenology, 77 (9): 1759-1766.

Abaigar, T., Domene, M. A., Palomares, F. (2010). Effects of fecal age and seasonality on steroid hormone concentration as a reproductive parameter in field studies. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56 (5): 781-787.  

Acevedo, P., Cassinello, J., Hortal, J., Gortazar, C. (2007). Invasive exotic aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) as a major threat to native Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica): a habitat suitability model approach. Diversity and Distributions, 13 (5): 587-597.

Alados, C., Shackleton, D. M. (1997). Regional Summary. Pp. 47-48. En: Shackleton D.M. (Ed.), Wild Sheep and Goats and Their Relatives: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Caprinae. IUCN, Gland.

Almería, S., Vidal, D., Ferrer, D., Pabón, M., Fernández de Mera, M. I. G., Ruiz-Fons, F., Alzaga, V., Marco, I., Calvete, C., Lavin, S., Gortazar, C., López-Gatius, F., Dubey, J. P. (2007). Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in non-carnivorous wildlife from Spain. Veterinary Parasitology, 143 (1): 21-28.

Barroso, P., Ruiz-de-Ybáñez, R., Martínez-Carrasco, C., Gens, M. J., Escribano, F., Sánchez, A., Pérez, J. M. (2017). First report of oestrosis in aoudad from southeastern Spain. Parasitology Research, 116 (7): 2053-2055.

Ben Mimoun, J., Cassinello, J., Noira, S. (2017). Update of the distribution and status of the aoudad Ammotragus lervia (Bovidae, Caprini) in Tunisia. Mammalia, 81 (2): 181-187.

Ben Mimoun, J., Nouira, S. (2013). Social organization of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) population in the Chambi National Park, Tunisia. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 5 (1): 15-19.

Ben Mimoun, J., Nouira, S. (2015). Food habits of the aoudad Ammotragus lervia in the Bou Hedma mountains, Tunisia. South African Journal of Science, 111 (11-12): 2014-0448.

Bird, W., Upham, L. (1980). Barbary sheep and mule deer food habits of Large Canyon, New Mexico. Pp. 92-96. En: Simpson C.D. (Ed.). Symposium on Ecology and Management of Barbary Sheep. Texas Tech. Univ. Press, Lubbock.

Blanco, J. C. (2007). Estado de conservación de los mamíferos de España. Pp. 66-70. En: Palomo, L. J., Gisbert, J., Blanco, J. C. (Eds.). Atlas y libro rojo de los mamíferos de España. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SECEM-SECEMU, Madrid. 586 pp.

Bounaceur, F., Benamor, N., Bissaad, F. Z., Abdi, A., Aulagnier, S. (2016). Is There a Future for the Last Populations of Aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) in Northern Algeria? Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 48 (6): 1727-1731.

Brentjes, B. (1980). The Barbary sheep in ancient North Africa. Pp. 25-26. En: Simpson, C. D. (Ed.). Symposium on ecology and management of Barbary sheep. Texas Tech Univ. Press, Lubbock.

Brown, D. (1988). Components of lifetime reproductive success. Pp. 439-453. En: Clutton-Brock, T.H. (Ed.). Reproductive success. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Calabuig, G., Serrano, A. L., Tiscar, M., Cabezas, M. G., Bautista, L. A., Martínez, P., Pérez, J. M. Serrano, E. (2005). Nuevas citas de arrui Ammotragus lervia (Pallas, 1777) en el Parque Natural de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas: Obtención mediante encuestas. Galemys, 17 (Número Especial): 3-14.

Caprinae Specialist Group (1996). Ammotragus lervia. En: 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.<>.

Cassinello, J. (1995). Factors modifying female social ranks in Ammotragus. Applied Animal Behaviour Science,45: 175-180.

Cassinello, J. (1996). High ranking females bias their investment in favour of male calves in captive Ammotragus lervia. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 38: 417-424.

Cassinello, J. (1997a). High levels of inbreeding in captive Ammotragus lervia (Bovidae, Artiodactyla): Effects on phenotypic variables. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 75: 1707-1713.

Cassinello, J. (1997b). Mother-offspring conflict in the Saharan arrui. Relation to weaning and mother's sexual activity. Ethology, 103: 127-137.

Cassinello, J. (1997c). Identificación del sexo y clases de edad en las poblaciones españolas de arrui (Ammotragus lervia) - Relación con el manejo de poblaciones en libertad. Bol. Inst. Estudios Almerienses, 14: 171-178.

Cassinello, J. (1998a). Ammotragus lervia: a review on systematics, biology, ecology and distribution. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 35: 149-162.

Cassinello, J. (1998b). El Arrui Sahariano. Un Caprino Ancestral en Almería. Textos y Ensayos, 2. Instituto de Estudios Almerienses, Almería.

Cassinello, J. (2000). Ammotragus free-ranging population in the south east of Spain: a necessary first account. Biodiversity and Conservation, 9: 887-900.

Cassinello, J. (2003). Ammotragus lervia. En: Kingdon, J.; Happold, D. & Butynski, T. (Eds.). The Mammals of Africa: A Comprehensive Synthesis. Vol 5. Artiodactyla, Conservation, Management. Academic Press, Cambridge.

Cassinello, J., Acevedo, P., Hortal, J. (2006). Prospects for population expansion of the exotic aoudad (Ammotragus lervia; Bovidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: clues from habitat suitability modelling. Diversity and Distributions, 12 (6): 666-678.

Cassinello, J., Alados, C. L. (1996). Female reproductive success in captive Ammotragus lervia (Bovidae, Artiodactyla). Study of its components and effects of hierarchy and inbreeding. Journal of Zoology (London), 239: 141-153.

Cassinello, J., Calabuig, G. (2008). Spatial association in a highly inbred ungulate population: Evidence of fine-scale kin recognition. Ethology, 114 (2): 124-132.

Cassinello, J., Cuzin, F., Jdeidi, T., Masseti, M., Nader, I., de Smet, K. (2011). Ammotragus lervia. En: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. <>.

Cassinello, J., Gomendio, M. (1996). Adaptive variation in litter size and sex ratio at birth in a sexually dimorphic ungulate. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 263: 1461-1466.

Cassinello, J., Serrano, E., Calabuig, G., Acosta, P., Pérez, J. M. (2002). Ammotragus lervia (Pallas, 1777). Arrui. Pp. 338-341. En: Palomo, L.J., Gisbert, J. (Eds.). Atlas de los Mamíferos Terrestres de España. Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza-SECEM-MIMAM, Madrid.

Cassinello, J., Serrano, E., Calabuig, G., Acosta, P., Pérez, J. M. (2007). Ammotragus lervia (Pallas, 1777). Pp. 374-377. En: Palomo, L. J., Gisbert, J., Blanco, J. C. (Eds.). Atlas y libro rojo de los mamíferos de España. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SECEM-SECEMU, Madrid. 586 pp.

Cassinello, J., Serrano, E., Calabuig, G., Pérez, J. M. (2004). Range expansion of an exotic ungulate (Ammotragus lervia) in southern Spain: Ecological and conservation concerns. Biodiversity and Conservation, 13 (5): 851-866.

Delibes, M. (1986). Ammotragus lervia (Pallas, 1777) - Mähnenschaft. Pp. 423-431. En: Niethammer, F., Krapp, F. (Eds.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas. Band 2/II. Aula, Wiesbaden.

Dickinson, T. G., Simpson, C. D. (1980). Home range movements, and topographic selection of Barbary sheep in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Pp. 78-86. En: Simpson, C. D. (Ed.). Symposium on Ecology and Management of Barbary Sheep. Texas Tech Univ. Press, Lubbock.

Dickinson, T. G., Simpson, C. D. (1980). Home range movements, and topographic selection of Barbary sheep in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Pp. 78-86. En: Simpson, C. D. (Ed.). Symposium on Ecology and Management of Barbary Sheep. Texas Tech Univ. Press, Lubbock.

Fernández-Olalla, M., Martínez-Jáuregui, M., Perea, R., Velamazán, M., San Miguel, A. (2016). Threat or opportunity? Browsing preferences and potential impact of Ammotragus lervia on woody plants of a Mediterranean protected area. Journal of Arid Environments, 129: 9-15.

Geist, V. (1971). Mountain sheep. A study in behaviour and evolution. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

González-Candela, M., León-Vizcaíno, L. (1999). Sarcoptic mange in Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) population of Sierra Espuña Regional Park (Murcia). Galemys, 11: 43-58.

González-Candela, M., León-Vizcaíno, L., Cubero, M. J., Martín-Atance, P. (2001). Sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) health control in the Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) population of the Sierra Espuña Regional Park (Murcia, Spain). Galemys, 13: 59-73.

González-Candela, M., León-Vizcaíno, L., Cubero-Pablo, M. J. (2004). Population effects of sarcoptic mange in Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) from Sierra Espuña Regional Park, Spain. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 40 (3): 456-465.

Gray, G. G. (1985). Status and distribution of Ammotragus lervia: a worldwide review. Pp. 95-126. En: Hoefs, M. (Ed.), Wild sheep. Distribution, abundance, management and conservation of the sheep of the world and closely related mountain ungulates. Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, Whitehouse, Yukon.

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Haas, G. (1959). Untersuchungen über angeborene Verhaltensweisen bei Mähnenspringern (Ammotraguslervia Pallas). Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 16: 218-242.

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Johnston, D. S. (1980). Habitat utilization and daily activities of Barbary sheep. Pp. 51-58. En: Simpson, C. D. (Ed.). Symposium on Ecology and Management of Barbary Sheep Texas Tech Univ. Press, Lubbock.

Katz, I. (1949). Behavioural interactions in a herd of Barbary Sheep (Ammotragus lervia). Zoologica, 34: 9-18.

Krysl, L. J., Simpson, C. D., Gray, G. G. (1980). Dietary overlap of sympatric Barbary sheep and mule deer in Palo Duro Canyon, Texas. Pp. 97-103. En: Simpson C.D. (Ed.). Symposium on Ecology and Management of Barbary Sheep. Texas Tech. Univ. Press, Lubbock.

Lorca-Oró, C., López-Olvera, J. R., Ruiz-Fons, F., Acevedo, P., García-Bocanegra, I., Oleaga, A., Gortázar, C., Pujols, J. (2014). Long-Term Dynamics of Bluetongue Virus in Wild Ruminants: Relationship with Outbreaks in Livestock in Spain, 2006-2011. Plos One, 9 (6): e100027.

Manlius, N., Menardi-Noguera, A., Zboray, A. (2003). Decline of the Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) in Egypt during the 20th century: literature review and recent observations. Journal of Zoology (London), 259: 403-409.

Mayo, E., Ortiz, J., Martínez-Carrasco, C., Garijo, M. M., Espeso, G., Hervias, S., Ruiz de Ybáñez, M. R. (2013). First description of gastrointestinal nematodes of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia): the case of Camelostrongylus mentulatus as a paradigm of phylogenic and specific relationship between the parasite and its ancient host. Veterinary Research Communications, 37 (3): 209-215.

Miranda, M., Sicilia, M., Bartolomé, J., Molina-Alcaide, E., Gálvez-Bravo, L., Cassinello, J. (2012). Contrasting feeding patterns of native red deer and two exotic ungulates in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Wildlife Research, 39 (2): 171-182. 

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Pérez, J. M., Serrano, E., González-Candela, M., León-Vizcaíno, L., Barbera, G. G., de Simon, M. A., Fandos, P., Granados, J. E., Soriguer, R. C., Festa-Bianchet, M. (2011). Reduced horn size in two wild trophy-hunted species of Caprinae. Wildlife Biology, 17 (1): 102-112.

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Ruiz-Fons, F., Reyes-García, A. R., Alcaide, V., Gortázar, C. (2008). Spatial and temporal evolution of bluetongue virus in wild ruminants, Spain. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14 (6): 951-953. 

Serrano, E., Calabuig, G., Cassinello, J., Granados, J. E., Pérez, J. M. (2002). Corología del Arrui (Ammotragus lervia Pallas 1777) en el sureste peninsular. Galemys, 14 (1): 17-29.

Serrano, E., Calabuig, G., Cassinello, J., Pérez, J. M. (2002). The human dimension that favours the unnatural expansion of an exotic ungulate (Ammotragus lervia) throughout the Iberian peninsula. Pirineos, 157: 181-189.

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Jorge Cassinello
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)

Fecha de publicación: 11-11-2002

Revisiones: 21-12-2004; 9-04-2007; 5-08-2008; 2-04-2012; 21-08-2017

Cassinello, J. (2017). Arrui - Ammotragus lervia. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Barja, I. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.