Escribano palustre - Emberiza schoeniclus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Arcos, F., Rego, E., Salvadores, R. (2008). Plan de recuperación de Emberiza schoeniclus subsp. lusitanica Steinbacher en Galicia. ARCEA Xestión de Recursos Naturais S.L.-Xunta de Galizia.

Arizaga, J., Bota, G., Mazuela, D. Vera, P. (2015). The roles of environmental and geographic variables in explaining the differential wintering distribution of a migratory passerine in Southern Europe. Journal of Ornithology, 156: 469-479.

Atienza, J. C. (2006). El Escribano palustre en España. I Censo Nacional. 2005. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid, España.

Atienza, J. C., Copete, J. L. (2004). Escribano Palustre Iberoriental, Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi/Escribano Palustre Iberoccidental, Emberiza schoeniclus lusitanica: Pp. 378-379. En: Madroño, A., González, C., Atienza, J. C. Libro rojo de las aves de España. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid, España.

Atkinson, P. W., Fuller, R. J., Vickery, J. A. (2002). Large-scale patterns of summer and winter bird distribution in relation to farmland type in England and Wales. Ecography, 25: 466-480.

Belda, E.J., Kvist, L., Monrós, J.S., Ponninkas, S., Torralvo, C. (2009). Uso de técnicas moleculares y funciones discriminantes para diferenciar mediante biometría dos subespecies de Escribano Palustre Emberiza schoeniclus. Ardeola, 56: 85-94.

Belda, E. J., Kvist, L., Poninkas, S., Encabo, I., Greño, J. L., Hernández, J.L., Hernández, J.M., Marín, M., Rodríguez, A., Torralvo, C., Vera, P., Monrós, J.S. (2007). Conservación del Escribano palustre iberooriental Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi en Castilla-La-Mancha. Estudio de la viabilidad genética de sus poblaciones, su distribución y el uso del hábitat. Informe inédito para la Consejeria de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural de la Junta de Castilla La Mancha.

Bessert-Nettelbeck, M., Kipper, S., Bartsch, C., Voigt-Heucke, S. L. (2014). Similar, yet different: male Reed Buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) show high individual differences in song composition, rates of syllable sharing and use. Journal of Ornithology, 155: 689-700.

Bigas, D., Copete, J. L. 2004. Repicatalons Emberiza schoeniclus. Pp. 546-547. En: Estrada, J., Pedrocchi, V., Brotons, L., Herrando, S. (Eds.). Atles dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya 1999-2002. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, ICO, España.

BirdLife International (2020). Emberiza schoeniclus (amended version of 2018 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22721012A155430396.

Bouwman, K. M., Burke, T., Komdeur, J. (2006). How female reed buntings benefit from extrapair mating behaviour: testing hypotheses through patterns of paternity in sequential broods. Behavioral Ecology, 15: 2589-2600.

Bouwman, K. M., Komdeur, J. (2005). Old female reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) increase extra-pair paternity in their broods when mated to young males. Behaviour, 142: 1449-1463.

Bouwman, K. M., Komdeur, J. (2006). Weather conditions affect levels of extrapair paternity in the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus. Journal of Avian Biology, 37: 238-244.

Bouwman, K.M., van Dijk, R.E., Wijmenga, J.J., Komdeur, J. (2007). Older male reed buntings are more successful at gaining extrapair fertilizations. Animal Behaviour 73: 15-27

Brickle, N. W., Peach, W. J. (2004). The breeding ecology of Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus in farmland and wetland habitats in lowland England. Ibis, 146: 69-77.

Brunner, P., Passinelli, G. (2010). Variation in the singing style in the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: influencing factors and possible functions. Journal of Avian Biology, 41: 388-397.

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Carrasco, L., Vera, P., Belda, E. J., Monrós, J. S. (2018). Combining remote sensing and field mapping methods to study the vegetation dynamics within a coastal wetland and determine the habitat effects of a threatened bird species (Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi). Journal of Coastal Research, 34: 42-49.

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Dixon, A., Ross, D., O'Malley, S., Burke, T. (1994). Paternal investment inversely related to degree of extra-pair paternity in the reed bunting. Nature, 371: 698-700.

García, D. 2016. Localización de nuevos territorios de escribano palustre (Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi) y determinación de las áreas importantes para su conservación en el ámbito de s'Albufera de Mallorca. 2016. Servei de Protecciò d'Espècies. Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Pesca. Govern de les Illes Balears. Informe inédito. 22 pp.

Gillings, S., Wilson, A. M., Conway, G. J., Vickery, J. A., Fuller, R. J. (2008). Distribution and abundance of birds and their habitats within the lowland farmland of Britain in winter. Bird Study, 55: 8-22.

Goater, B. (1993). Archanara geminipunctata, Phragmites australis and Reed Buntings. Earthwatch Europe S'Albufera Project Report 4: 66-71.

Gordinho, L. O., Hasselquist, D., Neto, J. M. (2016). Asymmetric song recognition among subspecies in the reed bunting. Behavioral Ecology, 27: 1413-1423.

Gordinho L. O., Matheu E., Hasselquist D., Neto, J. M. (2015). Song divergence between subspecies of reed bunting is more pronounced in singing styles under sexual selection. Animal Behaviour, 107: 221-231.

Graputto, A., Pilastro, A., Marin, G. (1998). Genetic variation and bill size dimorphism in a passerine bird, the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus. Molecular Ecology, 7: 1173-1182.

Gruar, D., Barritt, D. & Peach, W.J. (2006). Summer utilization of Oilseed Rape by Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus and other farmland birds. Bird Study, 53: 47-54.

Isenmann, P. (1990). Comportement alimentaire original chez le Bruant des roseaux, Emberiza schoeniclus whitherbyi, sur l'ile de Majorque. Nos Oiseaux, 419: 308.

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Jiménez, J., Moreno-Opo, R., Carrasco, M., Feliu, J. (2015). Estimating the abundance and habitat selection of conservation priority marsh-dwelling passerines with a double-observer approach. Ardeola, 62: 269-281.

Kleven, O., Lifjeld, J. T. (2005). No evidence for increased offspring heterozygosity from extrapair mating in the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus). Behavioral Ecology, 16: 561-565.

Kleven, G., Marthisen, G., Lifjed, J. T. (2006). Male extraterritorial forays, age and paternity in the socially monogamous reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus). Journal of Ornithology, 147: 68-473.

Kvist. L., Poninkas, S., Belda, E. J., Encabo, I., Martínez, E., Onrubia, A., Hernández, J. M., Vera, P., Neto, J. M., Monrós, J. S. (2011). Endangered subspecies of the Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi and E. s. lusitanica) in Iberian Peninsula have different genetic structures. Journal of Ornithology, 152: 681-693.

Marthisen, G., Kleven, G., Brenna, E., Lifjeld, J. T. (2005). Parttime mate guarding affects paternity in male Reed Buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus). Ethology, 111: 397-409.

Martínez-Vilalta, A., Bertolero, A., Bigas, D., Paquet, J.Y., Martínez-Vilalta, J.  (1998).  Descripció  de  la  comunitat  de  passeriformes  que  nidifica  als  canyissars del delta de l'Ebre. Butlletí Parc Natural Delta de l'Ebre, 10: 28-35

Martínez-Vilalta, J., Bertolero, A., Bigas, D., Paquet, J.Y., Martínez-Vilalta, A. (2002). Habitat selection of passerine birds nesting in the Ebro Delta reedbeds (NE Spain): management implications. Wetlands, 22: 318-325.

Matessi, G., Dabelsteen, T., Pilastro, A. (2000). Responses to playback of different subspecies songs in the reed bunting Emberiza s. schoeniclus. Journal of Avian Biology, 31: 96-101.

Matessi, G., Grapputo, A., Pilastro, A., Marin, G. (1997). Song variation in relation to subspecies group in the reed bunting. Avocetta, 21: 81.

Mezquida, E. T., Villarán, A. (2006). Abundance variations, survival and site fidelity of Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus wintering in central Spain. Ornis Fennica, 83: 11-19.

Monrós, J. S., Neto, J. M., Vera, P., Belda, E. J. (2017). El Escribano Palustre en España. II Censo Nacional y I Censo Ibérico (2015). Universitat de València – Universitat Politècnica de València – SEO/BirdLife.

Musilová, Z., Musil, P., Fuchs, R., Poláková, S. (2011). Territory settlement and site fidelity in Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus. Bird Study, 58: 68-77.

Musilová, Z., Musil, P., Zouhar, J., Poláková, S. (2014). Nest survival in the Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus in fragmented wetland habitats: the effect of nest-site selection. Ornis Fennica, 91: 138-148.

Nemeth, E. (1996). Different singing styles in mated and unmated Reed Buntings Emberiza schoeniclus. Ibis, 138: 172-176.

Neto J. M., Gordinho L. O., Belda E. J., Monrós J. S., Marín M., Fearon P., Crates R. (2013). Phenotypic divergence among west European Populations of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: the effects of migratory and foraging behaviours. PLoS ONE, 8: e63248.

Neto J. M., Gordinho L. O., Vollot, B., Marín M., Monrós J. S., Newton, J. (2017). Stable isotopes reveal differences in diet among reed bunting subspecies that vary in bill size. Journal of Avian Biology, 48: 284-294.

Orłowski, G. (2005). Habitat use by breeding and wintering reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus in farmland of lower Silesia (SW Poland). Polish Journal of Ecology, 53: 243-254.

Orłowski, G., Czarnecka, J. (2007). Winter diet of reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus in fallow and stubble fields. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 118: 244-248.

Pasinelli, G., Mayer, C., Gouskov, A., Schiegg, K. (2008). Small and large wetland fragments are equally suited breeding sites for a ground-nesting passerine. Oecologia, 156: 703–714.

Pasinelli, G., Schiegg, K. (2006). Fragmentation within and between wetland reserves: the importance of spatial scales for nest predation in reed buntings. Ecography, 29: 721-732.

Peach, W. J., Siriwardena, G. M., Gregory, R. D. (1999). Long-term changes in over-winter survival rates explain the decline of reed buntings Emberiza schoeniclus in Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology, 36: 798-811.

Peterková, V., Trnka, A., Grujbárová, Z. (2011). Does Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) predict the risk of nest predation when choosing a breeding territory? An experimental study. Ornis Fennica 88: 179-184.

Pickett, S. R. A., Siriwardena, G. M. (2011). The relationship between multi-scale habitat heterogeneity and farmland bird abundance. Ecography, 34: 955-969.

Schiegg, K., Eger, M., Pasinelli, G. (2007). Nest predation in reed buntings Emberiza schoeniclus: an experimental study. Ibis, 149: 365-373.

Schmidt, M. H., Lefebvre, G., Poulin, B., Tscharntke, T. (2005). Reed cutting affects arthropod communities, potentially reducing food for passerine birds. Biological Conservation, 121: 157-166.

Siriwardena, G. M., Crick, H. Q. P., Baillie, S. R., Wilson, J. D. (2000). Agricultural habitat type and the breeding performance of granivorous farmland birds in Britain. Bird Study, 47: 66-81.

Surmacki, A. (2001). Foraging behaviour of the reed bunting (Emberiza  schoeniclus) breeding in a farmland – a preliminary results. Pp: 89-95. In: P. Tryjanowski, T.S. Osiejuk, M. Kupczyk (Eds). Bunting studies in Europe. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk., Poznan.

Surmacki, A. (2004). Habitat use by Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus in an intensively used farmland in western Poland. Ornis Fennica, 81: 137-143.

Suter, S. M., Bielańska, J., Röthlin-Spillmann, S., Strambini, L., Meyer, D. R. (2009b). The cost of infidelity to female reed buntings. Behavioural Ecology, 20: 601-608.

Suter, S. M., Ermacora, D., Riellie, N., Meyer, D. R. (2009a). A distinct reed bunting dawn song and its relation to extrapair paternity. Animal Behaviour, 77: 473-480.

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Trnka, A., Peterková, V., Grujbárová, Z. (2011). Does reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) predict the risk of the nest predation when choosing a breeding territory? An experimental study. Ornis Fennica, 88: 179-184.

Van der Hut, R. (1986). Habitat choice and temporal differenciation in reed passerines of a Dutch marsh. Ardea, 74: 159-176.

Vera, P. (2017). Selección de hábitat en el escribano palustre iberoriental, estructura genética y tendencia poblacional: aplicaciones para su conservación. Tesis doctoral. Universitat de València.

Vera, P., Belda, E. J., Kvist, L., Encabo, S. I., Marín, M., Monrós, J. S. (2014). Habitat preferences for territory selection by the endangered Eastern Iberian reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi. Ardeola, 67: 97-110.

Vera, P., Belda, E. J., Kvist, L., Encabo, S. I., Monrós, J. S. (2011). Habitat preference of endangered eastern Iberian Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi). Bird Study, 58: 238-247.

Vera, P., Marín, M., Belda, E. J., Monrós, J. S. (2009). Estructura y composición del nido de Escribano Palustre Iberoriental Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi. Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia, 25: 43-48.

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Villarán, A. (1999). Migración e invernada del Escribano Palustre (Emberiza schoeniclus) en España. Ardeola, 46:71-80.

Voříšek, P., Jiguet, F., van Strien, A., Škorpilová, J., Klvaňová, A., Gregory, R. D. (2010). Trends in abundance and biomass of widespread European farmland birds: how much have we lost? BOU Proceedings - Lowland Farmland Birds III.

Wingelmaier, K., Nemeth, E., Winker, H. (2007). Reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) males sing an 'all-clear' signal to their incubating females. Behaviour, 144: 195-206.


Pablo Vera García
SEO/BirdLife. c/Tavernes Blanques 29, bajo. 46120
Alboraia, Valencia

Fecha de publicación: 19-06-2020

Vera, P. (2020). Escribano palustre – Emberiza schoeniclus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. López, P., Martín, J., Barba, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.