Críalo europeo - Clamator glandarius (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Martínez, J. G., Soler, J. J., Soler, M., Burke, T. (1998b). Spatial patterns of egg laying and multiple parasitism in a brood parasite: a non-territorial system in the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius). Oecologia, 117: 286-294.

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Molina-Morales, M., Martínez, J. G., Avilés, J. M. (2012). Factors affecting natal and breeding magpie dispersal in a population parasitized by the great spotted cuckoo. Animal Behaviour, 83 (3): 671-680.

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Röder, G., Canestrari, D., Bolopo, D., Marcos, J. M., Villard, N., Baglione, V.; Turlings, T. C. J. (2014). Chicks of the Great Spotted Cuckoo May Turn Brood Parasitism into Mutualism by Producing a Foul-Smelling Secretion that Repels Predators. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 40 (4): 320-324.

Roldán, M., Soler, M., Márquez, R., Soler, J. J. (2013). he vocal begging display of Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius nestlings in nests of its two main host species: genetic differences or developmental plasticity? Ibis, 155 (4): 867-876.

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Ruiz-Rodríguez, M., Soler, J. J., Lucas, F. S., Heeb, P., Palacios, M. J., Martín-Gálvez, D., de Neve, L., Pérez-Contreras, T., Martínez, J. G., Soler, M. (2009). Bacterial diversity at the cloaca relates to an immune response in magpie Pica pica and to body condition of great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius nestlings. Journal of Avian Biology, 40 (1): 42-48.  

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Soler, J. J., Avilés, J. M., Martín-Gálvez, D., de Neve, L., Soler, M. (2014d). Eavesdropping cuckoos: further insights on great spotted cuckoo preference by magpie nests and egg colour. Oecologia, 175 (1): 105-115.

Soler, J. J., Avilés, J. M., Soler, M., Møller, A. P. (2003). Evolution of host egg mimicry in a brood parasite, the great spotted cuckoo. Biol. J. Lin. Soc., 79 (4): 551-563.

Soler, M., De Neve, L. (2013). Brood mate eviction or brood mate acceptance by brood parasitic nestlings? An experimental study with the non-evictor great spotted cuckoo and its magpie host. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67 (4): 601-607.

Soler, J. J., De Neve, L., Martín-Gálvez, D., Molina-Morales, M., Pérez-Contreras, T., Ruiz-Rodríguez, M. (2014e). Do climatic conditions affect host and parasite phenotypes differentially? A case study of magpies and great spotted cuckoos. Oecologia, 174 (2): 327-338.

Soler, J. J., De Neve, L., Martínez, J. G., Soler, M. (2001a). Nest size affects clutch size and the start of incubation in magpies: an experimental study. Behav. Ecol., 12: 301-307.

Soler, J. J., Martín-Gálvez, D., de Neve, L., Soler, M. (2013b). Brood parasitism correlates with the strength of spatial autocorrelation of life history and defensive traits in Magpies. Ecology, 94 (6): 1338-1346.

Soler, J. J., Martín-Gálvez, D., Martínez, J. G., Soler, M., Canestrari, D., Abad-Gómez, J. M., Moller, A. P. (2011). Evolution of tolerance by magpies to brood parasitism by great spotted cucos. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 278 (1714): 2047-2052.

Soler, J. J., Martinez, J. G., Soler, M., Møller, A. P. (1999a). Genetic and geographic variation in rejection behavior of cuckoo eggs by European magpie populations: An experimental test of rejecter-gene flow. Evolution, 53: 947-956.

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Soler, J. J., Peralta-Sánchez, J. M., Martínez-Bueno, M., Martín-Vivaldi, M., Martín-Gálvez, D., Vela, A. I., Briones, V., Pérez-Contreras, T. (2011). Brood parasitism is associated with increased bacterial contamination of host eggs: bacterial loads of host and parasitic eggs. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 103 (4): 836-848.  

Soler, M., Pérez-Contreras, T. (2012). Location of suitable nests by great spotted cuckoos: an empirical and experimental study. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66 (9): 1305-1310.

Soler, J. J., Pérez-Contreras, T., De Neve, L., Macías-Sánchez, E., Moller, A. P., Soler, M. (2014c). Recognizing odd smells and ejection of brood parasitic eggs. An experimental test in magpies of a novel defensive trait against brood parasitism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27 (6): 1265-1270.

Soler, J. J., Ruiz Castellano, C., Martínez de la Puente, J., Tomás, G., Ruiz-Rodríguez, M., Figuerola, J. (2015). Telomere dynamics in parasitic great spotted cuckoos and their magpie hosts. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28 (9): 1610-1617.

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Juan José Soler
Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (CSIC)

Fecha de publicación: 20-08-2003

Revisiones: 1-12-2003; 27-06-2005; 27-02-2007; 6-03-2008; 12-07-2012; 17-05-2016

Soler, J. J. (2016). Críalo Europeo - Clamator glandarius. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.